October 9th, 2007

The website (hereinafter referred to as "this site") of Hitotsubashi University, the national university corporation, is run by Hitotsubashi University, the national university corporation (hereinafter referred to as "this university").
Privacy Policy in this site shall be applied when the user of this site uses the contents provided by this university. Please read this Privacy Policy before using this website. Users of this website are regarded as those who have understood and agreed to the contents of this Privacy Policy. This university is not responsible for handling of privacy information in other websites whose links are posted on this website.
Please confirm the most recent content of Privacy Policy, as this university may change the Privacy Policy to promote further personal information protection or with enactment or amendment of laws and regulations.

1.Provision of Personal Information
  • This university may collect personally identifiable information such as name, address, telephone number, E-mail address, when the user makes application or inquiry by accessing this site.
  • When we collect personal information, we expressly show the purpose of collecting such information and collect such information to the extent necessary.
2.Management and Protection of Personal Information
  • This university assigns a general manager for personal information protection in the appropriate department, etc. for appropriate management. We will strive not only to prevent external leakage but also to protect the user's personal information implementing security measures against risks such as loss, destruction, falsification of information or unauthorized access from the outside at an appropriate and reasonable level.
  • Although this university may outsource a part of administration of functions/services of this site, in doing so, we contractually oblige the outsourcing contractor to properly manage the user's personal information.
3.Use of Personal Information
  • This university uses personal information collected to achieve the purpose for collecting the information to the extent necessary in compliance with this Privacy Policy.
  • Statistic information through which no individual is identified will be used as review materials for provision of better services or within a scope of other valid purposes.
4.Disclosure of Personal Information to A Third Party
  • This university does not provide personal information provided by the user to a third party, unless disclosed to the outsourcing contractor or business partner to achieve the purpose of collecting personal information
  • This university does not disclose personal information to a third party without the user's informed consent in advance, unless otherwise stipulated by law.
  • When we provide personal information to a third party based on the laws, or when we commission a third party to perform personal information handling business, we make arrangements to have proper measures taken by the third party for security and management of such personal information.
5.Demand of Disclosure/Correction/Deletion of Personal Information
  • When the user himself/herself requested for disclosure of personal information they provided, this university discloses the information without delay in compliance with laws within the limit considered to be reasonable.
  • When the user himself/herself requested for correction or deletion of the user's own personal information, we correct or delete the information without delay in compliance with laws within the limit considered to be reasonable.
  • Provided, however, that the request violates the third party's right or this university concludes that the request affects this university's operations.
6.Compliance with Laws and Regulations and Continuous Review
  • Hitotsubashi University complies with laws and other standards concerning personal information protection and review and strives to improve the contents of our privacy policy continuously.
Contact for Inquiries on the Matter

Public Relations Office, General Affairs Department, Hitotsubashi University
Telephone: +81-42-580-8032