How can I contact a faculty member?

Some faculty members publish their e-mail addresses on the Faculty Members page of the website. If the address of the faculty member you are looking for is not published, you can write to the faculty member by postal mail at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University, 2-1 Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo 186-8601.

Are you currently recruiting faculty members, researchers, or assistants?

Please check the page of our faculty staff recruitment page.

How can I inquire about something not covered in the Q&As?

Please send a detailed inquiry to info@cm.hit-u.ac.jp.


In this section we answer the questions most frequently asked by examinees at the Open Campus.

How do students of the Faculty of Commerce and Management approach four-year course selection?

Course selection varies according to the interests of the individual student. As a rule, however, first-year students take foreign language and general education courses or the more basic of the specialized courses. The seminar is an important consideration for third-year and fourth-year students, and many students select advanced courses related to their intended seminar topics. Second-year students, who are in between those stages, tend to take a mixture of basic and more advanced courses. It is important to maintain a good balance of courses throughout the four years.

Is a degree from the Faculty of Commerce and Management advantageous for acquiring certified tax accountant or certified public accountant qualifications?

Since we offer lecture courses that provide knowledge related to these qualifications, a degree from the Faculty of Commerce and Management is certainly advantageous. However, these courses have not been prepared specifically for the purpose of passing qualification examinations.

Is it necessary to attend not only university lectures and seminars, but also another school to acquire a certified public accountant qualification?

Students seem to have various opinions on the matter. Some students pass the examination by attending two schools. Some pass attending only one, and there will be some in both groups that will not pass. The decision whether to attend two schools is largely a matter of the individual’s own study approach and style.

What kinds of seminars are offered? How many seminars are there and what are their features?

Please refer to the Faculty of Commerce and Management seminar introduction webpages:
http://www.cm.hit-u.ac.jp/undergrad/learning/c03.html (in Japanese). Detailed information is provided on all seminars offered in the current academic year, the areas of specialization of faculty members conducting the seminars, and seminar objectives and texts used, as well as messages from the faculty members.

Can I study mathematics even if I enroll in the Faculty of Commerce and Management?

It is possible to study mathematics at the Faculty of Commerce and Management. At Hitotsubashi University, we want students to study various fields without being restricted to their own schools; therefore, we recommend that students actively take courses in other fields. By all means, study mathematics to your heart’s content. And don’t forget that knowledge of mathematics and statistics is essential, whatever field of study in the Faculty of Commerce and Management you choose as your major. This is another reason we actively encourage you to study mathematics.

What is difference between the Faculty of Commerce and Management and the Faculty of Economics?

Since both schools offer study and research with the aim of understanding society, there is no great difference. However, there are several areas that distinguish the two.  First, there is a difference in approach. In the Faculty of Commerce and Management, the tendency is to seek to understand society principally through consideration of issues related to companies. In the Faculty of Economics, social understanding is often attained through consideration not only of companies, but also of various other entities and systems. Second, there is a difference in the fundamental principles used in analysis. Although this is a difference of degree, in the Faculty of Economics, the tendency is to seek to understand society based on knowledge of macroeconomics and microeconomics. In the Faculty of Commerce and Management, the tendency is to seek to understand society on the basis of broad-based knowledge not only in economics, but also in management, social science, and psychology. Third, there is a difference in practical orientation. Broadly speaking, there is perhaps a stronger tendency in the Faculty of Commerce and Management than in the Faculty of Economics to put theories into practice and apply knowledge and understanding.

What are some specific differences between high school and university classes?

In high school, the emphasis is on the study of basic courses, while university courses cover a much wider range of specialized fields. The Faculty of Commerce and Management alone offers approximately 80 advanced courses. Moreover, individual course content is much deeper than that of high school classes. (For information on the content of advanced courses offered by the Faculty of Commerce and Management.) Also, whereas high school classes follow textbooks, in university courses the instructors decide what is studied and how it is taught. Frequently no textbook is used, and the class content varies greatly, not only according to the course name and description, but also depending on which instructor is teaching. There are also many different teaching methods, such as lectures for purely imparting knowledge, teaching centered on dialogue and discussion with students, and experimentation and practice. Since many university courses are electives, it is important for students to carefully consider what they wish to study and why.

How can I inquire about the entrance examination of another faculty?